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EP-9 My First Date with Programming Languages
We all are experiencing the change in era of Programming languages starting from Fortran, C, embedded C, C++,Java, .net etc we have 100+ Programming Languages starting from Procedural based to object oriented to script based languages .In this podcast I have covered the all three categories with a beautiful stories to make the concept clear for all newbies, non technical people. following concepts are covered as below Procedural Based (C and Embedded C Programming Language for IoT) OOPs Concepts Scripting Language with less syntax Please follow me on Instagram@ Podcasteramit for free workshops on Embedded C,Matlab, Python, R etc Check the oops features definition in my style at my new blog(Coming Soon)
EP-8 Story of Mirco controllers in IoT
This episode is all about human brain and computer analogy. Types of Microcontrollers,Voltage,Current, ohms law, Actuators. Arduino Boards, Raspberry Pi, Motors, hydraulic actuators, pneumatic, magnetic etc .
Misconception About India
This episode is all about on misconceptions about India across Globe. I was invited as a guest by International Podcaster Mr Tom Harmann from Toronto to share my view on this. He asked me few questions to understand whether or not the misconceptions are true.
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